Parents / guardians organize superhero parade after princess told she can’t be Spider-Man


Babe told she can’t be Spider-Man(Photo: ELEMENTARBOG News)

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(ABC NEWS) — Four-year-old Ellie Evangelista from New York City particularly may be Spider-Man’s biggest fan. Also recently, Ellie was upset a lot of boys in her Pre-K grouping told her she can’t be or absolutely love Spider-Man because she’s a girl, their mom said.

“She loves the man so much, ” Ellie’s mother Maggie Ryan told ABC News proper. “She has a Spider-Man costume, Spider-Man pajamas, a Spider-Man shirt and therefore Spider- Man toys. We’ve been examining superhero cartoons together, and she really be him. “

But their enthusiasm died down after tough at YM & YWHA New york Heights and Inwood Nursery Classes told Ellie Spider-Man was “only for boys, ” her parents said.

“She started coming home and therefore saying things like, ‘I don’t need to be a girl anymore because Spider-Man’s boys, and I can’t be him if I will be a girl, ‘” Ryan explained. “So my husband and I started to navigate through that a amount of. “

Ryan added she determined Ellie’s teachers explained to the tough that what they told Ellie was probably wrong. But Ryan said he wanted to do more to help her little girl’s self-confidence and self-image.

Girl uttered to she can’t be Spider-Man (Photo: ABC News)

“I reached out to some local want to on an email listserv and suggested my conundrum, and it just blew up, ” she said. “Parents just got fired up about the issue in an optimistic way, and wanted to empower all of our girls — and girls who all love superheros. “

Someone from inside the group then suggested having one “Uptown Superhero March” parade dispatching the message that girls does whatever boys can and the other way round, and Ryan said she believed it to be a great idea.

“Kids can dress up as their designer superhero regardless of whether or not that super hero is the same gender as them, and children can also carry signs with motivational messages such as ‘I can be a super hero too, ‘” she said. “One parent said she’s going to bring one iPod and speakers and have super hero theme song music. “

The several “Uptown Superhero March” will start over Bennett Park in Washington Middle at 11: 00 a. t. this Sunday.

“I’m really excited a lot of even if only a few kids show up, Ellie is going to get to see different kids walking in line and having a good time while being attired the way they want to regardless of what anyone else should go, ” Ryan said. “I now can say, ‘Hey! Look, that lady is Superman, and she can be whichever company she wants to be, too! inches

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